
Instructor Support for Gradescope


Existing Gradescope users: If you already have a Gradescope account associated with your Gonzaga email, a new Gradescope account will not be created for you and clicking the Gradescope link in Blackboard will take you to your existing account.

New Gradescope users: New users and those with accounts not associated with a Gonzaga email will have an account generated when they create a Gradescope assignment or link to a course - a new Gradescope account will be created, and information will be emailed to the user.  




Gradescope is integrated in all Blackboard and Canvas courses at GU. See instructions for using Gradescope in Blackboard and instructions for using Gradescope in Canvas.
Gradescope has been configured to use GU credentials to login directly to See instructions to access Gradescope directly.
The integration to Blackboard, or any LMS, creates a bridge to Gradescope which allows for easy access to assignments and grades to post to Blackboard's grade center. Creating and grading of assignments will occur in the Gradescope interface. The bridge can be broken or built any time an instructor likes. This means that if you create courses at, they can always be embedded into a Blackboard course later.

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